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Thank you for all you do in the Outdoor Group. It has given us a chance for a holiday that we would never have been able to experience without your help.

As a single mum, I struggle to give the kids the experience from a father's perspective. The Outdoor Group doesn't just help you to go on holiday, we have gained so much more. Getting outside and letting the kids be kids, building fires, feeding Red Kytes, all the kids learning to ride their bikes, digging holes on the beach.

You and your family are truly investing in the lives of the families that you take on holiday.

I pray that you will all be blessed for all you do for us.

Thanks so much


New Hope Trust.

Homeless Charity Watford

September has been an exciting month for 10 of our service users as they embarked on the New Hope annual holiday to the beautiful British countryside. Each day was full of laughter and an amazing time was had by all, including the staff! We would like to extend a huge thank you to The Outdoor Group for their gift of an amazing open-air experience!   


The Outdoor Group means so much to us as a family and also myself as an individual. ItI gives us the opportunity to experience the great outdoors which would otherwise not have been explored. I love the way I free myself up from the daily grind and feel closer to God through the wonder of creation. Sunsets, birds singing, NO TV! All these things help me to take a break from the norm and recharge my batteries. I know the children love the sense of freedom with the joy of wide open spaces and the freedom to run around, help cook, learn about camping life, make friends etc. it's great to see them grow & make happy memories.
I also love the fellowship of the outdoor group and the opportunity it gives me to take 2 young children sometimes out of my comfort zone but still feel safe and supported. It's very empowering - if I can cope with a child being sick in a tent one night I can do anything!!!
I also love how I feel closer to my children during these trips. No distractions or strict time keeping makes for a very relaxed break with an opportunity to visit some lovely places around the country.
Also I love the fact that all of this can be achieved on a budget - so so important.

Thank you Outdoor Group!

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